In the silence of night the greatest Light came
Darkness was no more
Light made light and it was good
Light came and shone
The light that ever shines
The light that will again come and illuminate all
In renewed eternal undimmed glory
And it is good.
The Star of our hearts that shone
That shines
The promise shining brightly without diminishing
Awakening the word of promise
In Himself our Promise and our Word
By who it was spoken, written and finished.
It is finished.
In the silent night the greatest sound was brought forth
The vibration of heaven come to earth
The release of the greater song
The song of the redeemed
All creation beats to
May we hear and join that song
May we move to His beat
The new vibration.
The Glorious One
The Song and Singer of all.
Redemptions Master and Sound.
Singing over us.
In the silence of that night
The Author produced the greatest story.
Our story
He changed the narrative
He turned the page
His glorious plot thickened with wonder
With excellence, with an eternal twist
He made space for us in His pages
Written now into a new narrative
Caught up in His story.
Silently so silently this Wondrous gift was given.
Light birthed brightly
The sound changed
The story turned
This is Christmas
This is the Gift we live breathe and have our being in.
Though that night was silent, let us not be.
May the world come to His light
Hear His song
Be part of His story.