Wild Rest Events
There is a place for you. We are a people who believe that at the very heart of the gospel is an invitation to belong. Our hearts cry out ABBA Father and we find ourselves seen, known, loved and belonging to a good Father whose great desire is for us to also find that in family. It is in this kingdom family that we are able to thrive, prosper and grow in the full measures the Father dreamt for us.
In this season are exploring new ways by which we can create meaningful community. We are in a transition to establishing a base for Wild Rest where we dream of leading and journeying with many people. At this stage we are also relying upon virtual gatherings as they are a hugely blessed way of keeping in contact. Please do get in touch if you would like to connect by email or to arrange a zoom coffee.
Upcoming Events
- Multiple DatesTue, 25 FebZoom See belowJoin us for the monthly Oil Store Gathering. A place for you to belong as we journey together into the deeper riches of Jesus and all that we have privilege to possess through intimacy with God. This is a place where we receive oil for our lamps so we can keep on burning!
- Multiple DatesMon, 03 MarZoom. See below. A community of innovators exploring new ways to bring the excellence of God into business.