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Writer's pictureSarah Day


Our God is Wild.

Our God is Untamed, Vast, limitless, He is full of emotion and passion. His love is raw, real, fierce & ever responsive to us, He is eagerly responding to His beloved. He is not controllable but it’s utterly controlled in Himself. He is free, He is close and He calls to us. He calls us to a life less ordinary in Jesus, a life extraordinary & wild, shaping, shaking & transformational. He wants to re-wild our domesticated hearts. Re wilded in His Spirit that we may live real, & unbridled, in intimate depths not mediocre or lack. He is passionate in His pursuit of us, and to liberate us from the yokes and entanglements of religion that leave our hearts uninspired, diluted and in want.

He loves us with a wild and reckless love that will go as far as, to see our whole hearts come home, come true. His Spirit is wild & wildly in love with us, with desire to lead us into and reveal to us the distances of all His wildness, His un conforming nature and ways, His narrative and adventure. So that we, as His, unto Him, become un-shackled & free from the fear of man, the need, even desire to fit in & be inoffensive. Because to be after His heart is to be free, free to live from our restored hearts, for the zealous & tender delight and gaze of the Father upon us. No other gaze upon us holds value, no other opinion. We are consumed and captive, unto the One who is wildly for us and in love with us, all else fades. His affirmation and affection sets our feet on adventure, wild lands they may be, but each step we acknowledge the call, the heart who led, and leads.

We are all, no matter what one thinks or feels like in this moment, we are all invited. We are all commissioned to set ablaze His trails on earth. There is a journey ploughed before us all, we are not merely destination seekers, though we are pilgrims, we are pioneers, beholding the frontier in faith knowing promise can be planted there and the fruit of the kingdom will grow. We are all called to embrace with boldness the kingdom, His kingdom, to which is our own, and live in its breadth and depths, limitless and vast ways on earth. This is this is the invitation to adventure, to re wild our hearts and allow Gods love & likeness, His character & heart to define us. We are invited to live profoundly, extraordinary lives unto Jesus, for His reward, as our love for Him compels us. We walk in companionship, the unswerving confidence and awareness of this is what settles our souls in each step. Abide with thee, we abide with thee. There is light unto our path and we tread with our Glorious Waymaker, ploughing before us in inexpressible joy and gladness that we go with Him.

We are not immature, we have learnt that life is not a field of roses, the adventure to which we are called, is just that, there are obstacles and surprises, joys and challenge, there is no road map. Life is full of unexpected terrains & we must learn, humbly, our inability to navigate it, we need a guide, we need. Our adventures are not absent of bears & giants, cliff edges & valleys, flints and thorns, as too they are not absent of breathtaking inexpressible beauty, vistas, abundantly verdant meadows, tenderness and goodness. This is the adventure of sonship, life led by the Spirit, we were fashion to be wild at heart after His, as we bring with dependence & joy our yielded lives, our will to simply love Him & go with Him to all the places He is, sow the seeds of His kingdom for growth and increase and mark our path with His names.

When we posture our lives for encounter, we are meeting Him and He's revealing himself to us, it’s how this fashions us that is our treasure, it is for us to respond to Him, to His revealing. This is where there is power in our posture, we choose to live wholehearted, devoted, yielded, responsive lives to Him. Our adventure is to pursue His heart and respond. It is in the adventure of choosing Him, pursuing encounter, we are also transformed from glory to glory unto and as He is. Our tamed hearts roar wildly once more in purpose and belonging in love, and the limitless kingdom we find ourselves exploring and possessing.

Our cry ever that the Spirit would Increase our vision, our awareness of who He is as our desire to respond to Him burns within us. We were made for this union and communion.

Beloved, These are not days to be tame in our world, we were fashioned for a life unfettered, passionate and transformational, we were given wild hearts after His. Our prayer is that we all begin to see the Wildness of our God & His love & expression towards us & in our midst. We pray we would catch increasing glimpses & revelation of His nature & all His invitations. May we would be ones who rise, unbridled in faith and love, joy &hope, especially for the people and for our 'places' to which we are led. May the Spirit of His Son sent into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father" evoke in us all a deep response to Him & the adventure we are called to set our whole being into. Because indeed we are His sons. This revelation and gift changes everything. May we live boldly convicted that as we posture our lives to love Him, before all things, He will get His reward & nothing is wasted, not one thing.

Dear hearts, be blessed with courage & truth, remembering you are dearly loved & fashioned as His significant sign & wonder on earth. As you draw close to Him, and choose to look upon the full measure of who He is and His heart, may you find your wild heart.

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